Great potential born from experience

At Cloud 9 International, 'The Great Potential Born from Experience' highlights our belief in unlocking children's immense potential through hands-on learning. Our approach includes regular field trips, enriching students' education with real-world experiences. These adventures foster a deep love for learning, independence, and curiosity, preparing students for a future filled with discovery and innovation.




These early years are crucial for cognitive, sensory, and motor skill development, all of which best occurs in an atmosphere of safe, warm, loving trust. Our caregiver’s first objective is to nurture those bonds by responding to each child’s needs as they arise. Feeling comforted and confident, your child will venture forward to explore their brave new world.


Active toddlers experience phenomenal language, cognitive and motor-skill growth during their time in our fun, toddler-safe Cloud 9 International classrooms. In this program, you’ll witness him or her becoming more independent, self-reliant, and socially adept. More importantly, they will develop the confidence to follow the path of curiosity and embrace a love of learning.


Our immersive English environment fosters impressive language growth, alongside advancements in writing letters, numbers, and beginning reading skills, particularly with CVC words. We blend science and math with our weekly themes to spark curiosity and discovery. Witness your child grow more independent, confident, and socially skilled, ready to pursue their curiosity and cultivate a lifelong passion for learning in our engaging, safe Cloud 9 International setting.


In the Butterfly and Dragonfly classes at Cloud 9 International, students make significant strides in English communication and progress from phonics and sentence reading to reading comprehension. They engage with a dynamic STEM curriculum that enhances critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and digital skills. Additionally, the Dragonfly class features a bespoke life science program, unique to our school, designed to deepen students' connection with nature through immersive, and hands-on learning experiences.


One of the unique features of the Cloud 9 Azumada school is multi-age classrooms. Older students model appropriate behavior and guide their younger peers, all while making academic advancements of their own. Studies have shown that this type of environment provides a solid academic basis as well as exceptional social skills that prepare children well for later learning. We implement the same curriculum across both of our locations, though the curriculum at Azumada has been tailored to accommodate our multi-age classroom setting.


Cloud 9 English enriches language learning across all ages with a mix of play-based teaching, phonics, and immersive activities, guided by native English-speaking teachers for an authentic experience. From "Mum and Me" classes that encourage early language acquisition to advanced programs for older students that focus on grammar, real-world language use and cultural understanding. Our comprehensive approach prepares students for global opportunities, fostering confidence and curiosity in a supportive, interactive environment.



【4歳児 保護者様】

英語で保育してくれるのが魅力でクラウドナインを選びました。バスでのお出かけやプログラミング、友達との室内ゲーム、おしゃべりなどの日常もすごく楽しいみたいです。中でも、みんなの前で発表するshow and tellが大好きで、発表の用紙はもらってきたその日に絵を描いたり、色塗りしたり、楽しそうに取り組んでいます。 あまり喋らない控えめタイプの子だと思っていたので、発表活動に頑張って取り組んでるのにびっくりです。 園と関係ないところでも、英語を使う人には英語で話すので、英語保育すごいです。 通わせる前はいろいろ心配したり悩んだりしましたが、園から帰ってきた子どもの顔を見るとクラウドナインでよかったなと思います。

【4歳児 保護者様】

AII Englishの環境での保育を受けれるのが1番の魅力でした。見学では子供達は明るくて、先生方はとても優しくて、園のプログラムがしっかりしているなあと思い、入園しました。 今ではネイティブ先生の発音を聞いていたおかげで発音がとても良く驚きます。英語が好きで、少しづつコミニュケーションが取れるようになると良いなあと思います。

【4歳児 保護者様】

通わせて良かった点は"先生たちの素晴らしさ"です。 ネイティブの先生方はもちろんのこと、日本人の先生たちも皆さんベテランの方々ばかりで、親が子どものことで心配事があると連絡をくださり、手厚いサポートをいただけます。 英語面でも、年少頃の後半から自分の体調が悪い時もしっかり先生に英語で説明できるようになっていたことに関心しました!